we are in the midst of reorganizing our house to make room for the kidlet. this is a complicated process, when will and i moved in together we got rid of ton of crap, when we moved we got rid of a ton of crap, when i started this blog (and we had the street sale) we got rid of a ton of crap. yet somehow we still have crap. we have given away furniture and we are still getting rid of crap. how are we solving the problem? we are getting a new piece of furniture to store the crap that we aren't getting rid of. so i was in the store today with the new piece trying to figure out what baskets would go in the bottom to store the linens that we want to keep there. there are two choices. the dark one or the light one. i know its a long post to basically ask one question. the room walls are tan, the floors are roughly the same color as in the picture and the piece will be in a well lit room but not super bright. (also keep in mind that you are only seeing the bottom part, there are three more shelves above that won't have baskets.)
mami agress with cara
it will not help the crap issue, but that is why people buys houses, they have basements, attics and the all important garage, it has nothing to do with the burbs, just a place to keep the crap.
agreed. dark.
as usual, i'm the odd woman out. i like the contrast of the light one.
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