today was a day of firsts my father-in-law used a lap-top for the first time. it was great fun to witness this event, especially since i have hot corners enabled which meant that at times the whole screen did things he wasn't expecting, for those of you who know him or are related to him you understand the import of this. second.. i attempted to bake something to new whilst my in-laws and husband were watching the superbowl i made
black and white cookies as of posting they hadn't been tasted but they smelled great baking and if i do say so myself they look tasty.
when am I getting some?
Yeah, where are my cookies?!
Oh, and I guess I should be rooting for the Giants, but my lack of caring is preventing me from doing so...
c&a your cookies are right here come over and get them
Wait, you aren't penalizing us in the cookie department for our allegiance to the Giants? Yay!
but i will.
the cookies were good, but they didn't erase the awful feeling in my stomache as a result of the Patriots losing.
That person at the computer looks a lot like my mail man. What is he doing? Calculating postage? Tough loss on Sunday.
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